controlled atmosphere (122 อ่าน)
26 พ.ค. 2566 15:55
In actual application, the basic composition of the atmosphere can be adjusted by changing the ratio of N2/CH3OH according to specific process requirements.Optimal Vacuum Heat Treatment For Bevel Gears When the atmosphere is prepared according to the 40/6O hydrogen/methanol cracking gas, the basic composition of the furnace gas is 40/40/20 (N2/H2/CO), which is also called as the basic composition of the endothermic atmosphere. Synthetic endothermic atmosphere (Endomix). Its carbon potential control method, carburizing uniformity, carburizing speed and other aspects are similar to the endothermic atmosphere.Application of Vacuum Heat Treatment in Fastener Manufacturing The purity of nitrogen gas used to prepare nitrogen-based atmospheres, except that some special processes require high purity, when N2-CH3OH-type nitrogen-based atmospheres are used as carburizing carrier gas, 95% to 99.5 (volume fraction) of nitrogen can be used in the same carburizing time The effect of internal and surface carbon content, depth of carburized layer and degree of internal oxidation is similar to that of high-purity nitrogen. Sheet metal vacuum carburizing process However, at lower operating temperatures, as the purity of N2 decreases, the recovery time of the atmosphere is prolonged; and due to the higher methane content in the working area, the tendency to produce carbon black increases, especially in the case of larger atmosphere flow rates .Steel gear vacuum carburizing and quenching